26 March 2015

week twelve.

the first day of spring, the snow snowed on. i suppose winter just had to get one more word in. the very next day, the sun shone brightly and the walk to breakfast was a game of dodging falling, melting ice as spring elbowed her way in. it's upwards of fifty degrees as i write this—here's hoping warmer days are here to stay. 

the best of this week was that wednesday night, spent cozy in joanna's apartment with girlfriends and chinese takeout. angie and joanna are mere weeks away from their due dates, so it was a whole lot of talk about babies and names and raising littles in this big, big city. 

i look at that photo of angie and jo from that night and i think, these are my very first new york city friends. and this is us, five years later. them, up to their eyelashes in motherhood; me, up to mine in love. 

we talked about these days, all those years ago. what it would be like, what we would be like, in five years' time. and here we are, what seems like all of a sudden. 

no doubt about it, i quite like the way these days have taken shape. 


  1. That's so great. And gives a NYC girl have positive thoughts!

  2. I think one of the best things about technology - blogs, smartphones, the Internet in general - is the way it gives shape and weight to our memories. I sometimes feel like technology is a washing line, and we hang all our lovely things on it: photos, memories, snapshots of language and love. Beautiful photos, here, and beautiful words too.

  3. I loved this post and your thoughts you shared. It's crazy how time flies, how things hange and how they stay the same. I'm remembering that night at Crepes on Columbus, do you remember that? It makes me laugh looking back on it, on the first impressions and the friendships that have grown and developed since then. I love you and I'm glad we are friends!
