04 March 2013

colorado weekend.

i went to wyoming a few years back and had an inkling of what was in store for this weekend's trip to visit my dear friend elizabeth's family, but truly nothing could have readied me for those wide, blue winter skies, the snow-dusted rockies, or that dry, western cold that doesn't chill to the bone. you can say i fell hard for colorado. 


  1. So beautiful and so happy you enjoyed your weekend out west! Can't to see you this weekend!!!! Oh...and look at all the many other photos I know you must have taken this past weekend! XOXO

  2. The bigger the hair, the closer to God, Keene.

  3. Those clear, blue skies are beautiful. Glad that you had a great weekend!

  4. The blue skies and mountain views just cannot be beat. Stunning.

  5. I love seeing your perception of the west! I love it too, so much. Glad you had a good time. This gives me hope that you really will come to Utah someday!
