07 January 2013

odds & ends.

beloved | inspiration | prep work | took my tree down, got my corner back |
found in my stocking | currently reading | to keep a little december around


  1. Love those lights, I'm keeping mine up for all year too :)

  2. I love that little corner and all your miscellany! And you!!

  3. I have The Smitten Kitchen cookbook as well, and I'm excited to cook through it too. Nice photos!

  4. I can't wait to read "the fault in our stars". Nice photos!

  5. those salt and pepper shakers are amazing! and yes...i need some December all the way through the rest of the winter at the least. i miss christmas!

  6. I love your soundtrack to your summer! I've been meaning to get in on vinyl!

  7. 1. I'm feeling a lack of vinyl in my life. I need to find a player at a thrift store or eBay. 2. I got Smitten for my birthday. So in love already. 3. Those salt and pepper shakers! So fanciful and fun.
