06 December 2011

tied up with string.

december is only going to get busier as she goes and i finished my shopping early 
this year in hopes that i might enjoy other aspects of the season a little more fully. that i 
might soak up a store of sweet moments to remember when this season has passed. that i 
might wonder at magic, that tiny tree, those brown paper packages cozy underneath.

in all my life, maybe more than anything else, i hope to create a peaceful home. a safe, 
warm, happy home. that others and i always want to come back to. and this quiet morning, 
breakfasting with toast and coffee and a twinkling tree, i feel myself capable.


  1. The packages are so cute! I agree that a peaceful home is unspeakably comforting. I love sipping coffee next to our glowing Christmas tree on this soggy morning!

  2. your packages are adorable. i tied all of mine with twine this year :)

  3. Oh you are more than capable my dear! Happy Christmasing! I love you!
