17 February 2011

a particularly good week (and it's not over yet).

an afternoon spent reading children's books, valentine's night in china town, the happy return of sidewalk flower carts, tasty white hot chocolate, and the empire state building like i've never seen her before. 

i also witnessed a proposal in grand central, just beside the clock. it was simple and sweet, and could there be a more romantic backdrop? it felt too personal to take photos, but just imagine bustling crowds, a girl stepping off an escalator, and a boy on one knee. 


  1. Oh my! The picture of the Empire State Building is amazing! And might those be dumplings from Joe's Shanghai? I can taste them right now! Enjoy the rest of your week! XOXO

  2. Oooh, I loved this post. So many beautiful, fun, comforting, wonderful things in one post! Sigh.... I love New York. Glad you're enjoying life so much!

  3. Ahhh, how cute to witness a proposal! These photos are making me antsy to visit NYC!

  4. Those pot stickers look delish, same with the hot chocolate. I'm majorly jealous of your hot chocolate tour this winter! And I'm glad you shared the proposal you saw. Thinking about it made me feel all warm inside.
