11 October 2010

columbia + the cathedral of saint john the divine.


the choir at the cathedral of saint john the divine's sings like angels and columbia has everything i love in a campus and i don't mind that i wandered so long that my whole sunday afternoon escaped me one bit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love going to a college campus, its so much fun and the buildings are so pretty!! At the same time it makes me miss my college and days there...(@American University):(!! The pictures are beautiful!!!!!!

    Andrea Becker (http://alldays-exceptional.blogspot.com)...my little work in progress...

  3. These are so pretty Alexa! I can't wait to photograph this Cathedral and rephotograph St. Patricks Cathedral. Remember, I lost all my pictures from that morning!

  4. Awesome pictures! Such a perfect Sunday afternoon activity. Sorry I couldn't make it. Since I didn't have Monday off I has to soak every bit of laziness out of Sunday that I could. You understand. ;)
