23 September 2010

oh, hey there, fall.

fall calls for comfort food.

 i pretended that yesterday was the first day of fall (or maybe i went all day actually thinking it was...) and spent the whole day excited. i broke out my stockings and boots, took the really long way to work, and stopped for a pumpkin spice latte.

all day, i thought about how much i love autumn and how different this year's will be from all of my other autumns because this is a new york autumn. 

by 4 pm, i couldn't take it any more and i texted angie to announce my need to celebrate with her. she immediately fired back an announcement of her own: me + her + s'mac, the mac-n-cheese restaurant in the east village, because mac-n-cheese is a fall food, of course.

and if that wasn't enough, the trip to butter lane was. pumpkin and chocolate cupcakes and an evening thunderstorm? i hope autumn stays forever. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures you took! And I loved our fall celebration! Hurray!
