the long holiday weekend -- our first at home as newlyweds! -- promised to be a cozy one, and how it was. side by side, we cooked a full thanksgiving spread, delighting in the use of family recipes and new ones, too, and beautiful dishes gifted for our wedding. christopher made a turkey, a tradition i am happy was born our first married holiday, and once more set our star atop our christmas tree, a tradition my heart swells at continuing.
i sorted our honeymoon photos, we made cinnamon rolls, we planned our twelve dates of christmas, christmas vacation played on repeat, we breezed through the gilmore girls revival, we napped, we lived on leftovers, glorious leftovers. we strolled in central park and soaked in autumn's last gasp, not entirely ready for bare branches to surround us just yet.
we were present and we were still and we were grateful -- for each other and our people, for our health and this sweet life we share, for a weekend that insists upon rest and togetherness and pausing to look around, take stock, and offer up prayer after prayer of thanksgiving. we already have it all.
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