21 September 2015


this being our last weekend in the city for a time (hello, wedding season!), we made certain to savor home and friends. we double-dated at supper in the east village, made a bagel run to barney greengrass, celebrated a birthday and two goings away, watched football (him), went to book club (me), and walked in central park. sunday afternoon was a feast of lit candles and open windows, friends re-runs and a squash casserole—and what i hope is the start of a sunday tradition as autumn rushes in. traditions can be as simple and sweet as you make them. 


  1. Love your two little pumpkins! Amos picked out two little pumpkins for himself & Solomon at the store today (:

    1. cute 'mosie! i can't wait to cuddle him this weekend.

  2. That picture of you is just so happy! You look like you're on a train in a dining car! Can't wait to see that smiling face in person!

    1. ha! so funny that you noticed—that restaurant is built to resemble an old-fashioned train dining car!
