23 September 2014

readying for autumn.

crisp new bedsheets. drycleaned sweaters and skirts. stone fruits for breakfast. a lavender candle. scarves and chai lattes for chilly neighborhood walks. basil dish soap. the graduate on a cozy night. polished boots. a knit blanket and an open window. a saturday for picking apples circled on the calendar. simon & garfunkel, bon iver, and andrew bird on the record player. a warm bouquet for the table. pumpkins for the window sill. navy polish and a blouse that makes me feel like magic. annual evening of alice's for tea and scones and bloomingdale's for tights, planned. a basketful of hats and gloves. a stack of unread books. a recipe for roasted tomato soup at the ready. daily pauses to appreciate changing light and changing leaves. 

…these are the ways i am embracing the season. i'm certain this is the best one.


  1. i kinda jealous. i'd love some autumn leaves and chill crisp too. i live in a tropical country - and more to that, i live in bali where it's practically summer in here everyday. i miss the fall.

    p.s : i want that little pumpkins on my windowsill too!

  2. mmm ... the sweet, good, good, pieces that make up a life!
