02 January 2013

about that new year's.

i spent it just outside of baltimore with my college roommate courtney and it was as lovely a year's beginning as ever, the way i hope to spend every one hereafter. cozy and safe, with best friends and good food. fondue and wine and board games became a midnight toast became cinnamon rolls and the prettiest winter morning. 

i meant to be in new york, my first new year's eve in the city. but plans went sort of awry at the last minute, and i made a quick decision to not take my connecting flight from d.c. and join her in baltimore instead. because why not? spontaneity wins every time, and i'll be happy with that choice forever. 


  1. Sounds like the perfect night! Especially when there's fondue and good friends involved.


  2. I'd say this was our best idea yet ;) couldn't think of a better way to bring in the new year! #kickthisyearsass #bokoyni

  3. I love how spontaneous you are! So glad you and Miss Court had such a wonderful NYE! XO

  4. I had to work for NYE (I work at a bar) but if I had had a choice I would have loved to spend it like yours! Happy New Year!

  5. Sounds like the most perfect night. My favourite kind of New Year's Eve for sure! Xx

  6. You are so spontaneous and i love it!! Glad you had a good new year's.
