26 November 2012

shall be known as orphan thanksgiving.

i spent my third thanksgiving in new york with friends. bethany hosted a family-style feast for a motley of us staying in the city for the holiday—eighteen in all. everyone came bearing dishes, and we drank butterscotch apple cider and played games after dinner. so much to be thankful for. 


  1. 3rd already?! Where has the time gone? LOVE the pictures and so happy you got to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends!

  2. the pictures look great, I love the details in your photos.
    the yellow flowers against the bright light are so pretty.

  3. I spent the holiday away from family as well but this was my first year. This was your third??! Wow. Props to you girl! It was really hard for me

  4. Happy Thanksgiving (a little late), Alexa!

  5. Sounds like a pretty great Thanksgiving to me! :)

  6. late... happy thanksgiving day!!

    but i want happy thanksgiving day...

  7. Wow. Your friend looks like an amazing hostess.

  8. Your title had me worried you were alone on thanksgiving! I'm so happy to see that couldn't be further from the truth. You are blessed with so many good friends!

  9. We spent Thanksgiving in a NYC apartment, too! We crowded onto my sister's balcony to watch the Macy's parade. It was magical.
