27 June 2012

last night.

i met angie and sara in sheep meadow for cupcakes last night, and we talked until they made us leave. we walked home in the light of a million fireflies and i ached for that moment even as it happened. does that ever happen to you?

i woke up this morning remembering those magical fireflies and the words of those sweet friends. and i am just really grateful for the good and lovely influence they have on my world. it's a good life.


  1. Love this post! Next time I come visit, I need to meet all of your sweet friends :)

  2. so beautiful! that always happens to me. sometimes im so in the moment and so aware of it that i miss it even before it's over.
    your friends sound gorgeous.

  3. that is what good friends are for :)

  4. Such pretty summer photos and so happy to see Angies smiling face! Get ready for many more fireflies to grace your presence in about...oh...3 days. I love you!!

  5. Those fireflies were breathtaking and so magical! Last night was wonderful. I'm so glad we made it happen. I just love you and we both walked away feelin uplifted by our evening with you!

  6. You make NY look so so glamorous.

  7. "i ached for that moment even as it happened."
    i love that.
    love, lindsay

  8. Hopefully you don't mind if I reblog some of these pics. I would love the one of you laying in the grass that I took... but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose. :) I should have just brought my own camera that evening! Lesson learned.
