22 May 2012

a walk down west 46th street.

just when i think i've really got this place down, that i know it so well, i end up somewhere like west 46th street, which i would've bet is somewhere south if i hadn't been standing right there myself. 

planted squarely in the middle of the theater district, it's got all the joie de vivre i love most about new york, along with something else entirely. walking down west 46th street, i could have been anywhere from charleston to new orleans. silly me, thinking i've found this city out.


  1. i love walking around the neighborhood because sometimes it surprises me where i end up

  2. Woah, that's crazy! If you had just showed me the pictures I would have guessed they were taken somewhere in Chelsea or Gramercy or something. I guess I judged Midtown too quickly. :)

  3. Beautiful photos! I love discovering new parts of a city!!

  4. ahh you are kill.ing.me! i say it all the time but i am so desperate to visit new york!!
    charleston and new orleans are also high on my USA travel dream list! x
