28 February 2012

it rained outside, so we camped inside.

i was recently introduced to the work of tim walker and i can't stop looking at this photo. every bit of everything i aim to face each day with is right here. i ache just looking at it. 

and today my prayer is this: may this philosophy -- this perspective -- always guide me. today, next week, someday when i'm a mother of a houseful and a storm rages out the window: when it rains outside, please oh please may i think to camp inside. 


  1. I love this idea--so cute!

    Hope I have an indoor camp with my children when I finally become a mother.

  2. What a lovely prayer :) I agree - that picture is wonderful. I can't wait to have a crazy life with lots of kids and be able to do fun things like this.


  3. Oh this makes my heart ache too! I was just telling your dad the other day how my mom used to use every sheet she had, and would drape them over furniture all over the living room just so we could have a tent fortress to play in! I want to do this at night and maybe for a whole weekend! XOXO

  4. This looks magical! I hope to do this with my kids someday.
