thank you...
...for being a wonderful father.
...for teaching me to ride my bike, shoot hoops, jump on a pogo stick, throw a baseball, and drive a go-kart (i know i cried over that one, but i had fun, i promise).
...for letting me putt for you on the golf course, for painting my ceiling fan green, for making the best breakfast, for not getting mad when i let the fishing pole go over the bridge.
...for moving me all the way to new york (i still can't believe you drove a moving truck in manhattan).
...for tap dancing in the kitchen (makes me laugh every time).
...for sending me flowers on valentine's day.
...for attending every dance recital for 15 years and for being the only dad at the competition in atlanta.
...for reading every paper i wrote in college and being genuinely interested in what i was doing in school.
...for making my bumblebee costume and for asking me to dance in the pool to "beauty and the beast" in disney world.
...for texting me every night before bed to make sure i am "home ok," even though i am 23 years old (i'm not too old for that).
...for taking me on dates.
...for encouraging me to be me and not anyone else.
...for taking the time to really talk to me, to answer my questions, to ask me questions, too (i really do like your hard questions best).
...for your hard work and for providing for our family.
...for teaching me to laugh at life and enjoy it.

i love you, dad.
happy, happy birthday!
Awwwww. Sweet sweet post. I loved this. The relationship you have with your dad is so great. Not many girls are so lucky!