08 December 2010

chestnuts roasting on a corner cart

I decided to spice up my routine today and walk home from work.

(That's 3 avenues and 46 streets, if anyone is counting.)

I wanted to feel the energy of the shopping crowd, so I meandered my way up 5th Avenue and then walked through the park. It's funny how you can go from skyscrapers and designer stores to trees and near-silence so quickly. Somebody once told me that they love Central Park because it lets them forget that they are in a huge city. I feel just the opposite. I love it because the skyscrapers peek over the trees and I am reminded of exactly where I am.

Once I got home, I thawed out in front of my heater for a while before bundling back up and heading back to 5th to see the city lit up at night. I started out at Rockefeller Center, where a light show projects onto a building directly across from the tree every few minutes. It's called "The Snowflake and the Bubble" and images dance across the building while music plays. It's like being inside a music box. Adults and children alike stop to watch and I can't tell who likes it more. It's the only time that I have seen people stop in the sidewalks to linger for any length of time.

I have waiting my whole life to experience NYC at Christmas and I am taking full advantage of living here. Besides, I know that the other 11 months of the year, I am going to be dreaming about this one. 


  1. i love, love, love it!!! thanks for sharing Christmas in NY. Christmas is my FAVORITE (you're right...Christmastime is Christmastime) but, i'm LOVING seeing it in NY vicariously through you!

  2. I love all these pictures. So festive.

  3. I'm so glad we got Shake Shack tonight. Your blog is soooo lovely these days! I love the heading; it's so simple, chic, and so you :)

  4. OH! You captured my favorite view of NY at Christmas, the Rockefeller tree with the trumpeting angels in front... It is so glowy! Those huge strings of Christmas lights are too cool and the soldiers just make me smile!

  5. I just came back here to look at these pictures again, because they make me happy. Just thought you'd like to know that. :)
